This verse states it is better to have integrity and be poor in earthly goods then to be rich or prosper using sin. Taking part in earthly wrong doings might make life on earth more enjoyable but it goes against God’s desire for us. By taking these supplements, Paul might have a good career and make a lot of money, but the foundation of his career would be dishonest. Having an excellent life due to sin is not what God intends for us. It is an injustice to God’s plan which the textbook says happens when we put ourselves in the center of our world instead of God’s world (DiVincenzo, A, n.d.). As humans, we long for purpose and meaning in life and are supposed to find that through God, not through shortcomings on earth. The Christian Worldview would consider taking performance enhancements a shortcut for athletes and a sin. “So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him,” so there should be no reason to alter oneself and distort it in a way God did not attend (Genesis 1:27, …show more content…
An unintended consequence they faced was a downfall of power and horrific endings due to their wrongdoings. The Bible says, “and let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9, ESV). God promises, in time, by doing good deeds he will reward us one day. Many good deeds are done for earthly praise but what the Christian Worldview believes they will be benefitted in heaven. I was raised on the belief that every time I did something good, God was adding a jewel to my crown that I would cast at his feet once I get to heaven. The Christian Worldview benefits those who try and do well.
The Christian Worldview has a different take on ethics compared to Naturalism. Naturalism believes all existence is made up of matter or energy and that is with no God (Sharpe, 2016). They believe morals and ethics are chosen and made by each man. This differs from the Christian Worldview who value trust and doing what is socially acceptable. Naturalists make their own morals as what they think is right will always be right for them.