Cheating has grown to be the biggest problem resulting from PED use. Mary Shelley believes that PED’s become monstrous once mankind's misuses them; however, has mankind misused them at all? Many people believe that PED’s have no affect on the sport they play. Steroids, for example, are a PED that increases muscle development, but what if the sport has nothing to do with strength. In “Performance-Enhancing Drugs Should Be Legalized”, Stephen Wang agrees with this motion when he states that, “In sports such as baseball that require skills other than just endurance . . . strength-increasing drugs should not be banned” (Wang). Gary Roberts, editor and chief of Sports Lawyer, backs his argument by adding that, “Home runs are hit only because the player has great skill at swinging a bat at a little ball coming at him over 90 mph” (Wang). Roberts believes that steroids are not malicious because, “most folks . . . could take steroids all their lives and still not be able to hit that ball” (Wang). Based on Robert’s argument, the idea of legalizing PED’s has increased tremendously. Contrastly, sports fans have grown extremely unpopular to the push for legalization. One might wonder why are sports fans are so opposed to this. Wang suggest that, “many sports fans yearn for the innocence of knowing their athletes are competing and winning fairly through the hard work and dedication while also taking into …show more content…
More often than not, well respected and successful athletes have had not only their careers damaged, but also their reputation. Cheating that results from athletes using PED’s within the sports world has cast an even greater danger to society. They give the user a sizeable advantage over other athletes, which has taken away from athletics. Moreover, PED’s have desensitized mankind and have made the impression that knowledge is not important. Based on Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, she believes that PED’s are a monstrosity because they have taken away from the excitement and purity of sports. In other words, PED’s used in sports give the user an advantage without having to work for it which has damaged sports today. In Michael Rosenberg’s, “Performance-Enhancing Drugs Should Not Be Legalized”, he proposes that PED use by athletes is inhuman. “But you know who could definitely break Usain Bolt’s record? A cheetah on amphetamines, So what?” (Rosenberg). Rosenberg is suggesting that sports records could probably be broken with the help of PED’s; yet, it is inhumane. Additionally, sports have shifted into the idea that PED development is more important than actual human skill. Rosenberg agrees with this idea by stating, “Elite spectator sports are supposed to be about the very best humans can do, not the best drugs we can create” (Rosenberg).