I have learned Veterans exhibit significantly higher suicide risk compared with the U.S general population (Kang, et al. 2015). Over the years, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has estimated the veteran suicide toll nationwide at approximately 22 individuals a day (Time, 2016). However, the numbers were based solely on 20 states and did not contain full military records from the Defense Department. Also, the research indicates the deployment to the Iraq or Afghanistan war, by itself, is not associated with the excess suicide risk (Time, 2016).
This means the causes extend beyond the trauma of war and the challenges of adjustment and transition, post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injuries, and physical disabilities, all need to be addressed. Since these challenges could result …show more content…
Department of Veterans Affairs hired 5,300 mental health providers, support personnel and upgraded it Veterans Crisis Line in response to the problem (Time, 2016). It has also elevated the profile of its suicide prevention office within the department and launched new partnerships with community health providers to offer to counsel to veterans. Officials hope to use the data to further expand those offerings, targeting specific regions and populations within the veterans’ community to deliver care more effectively (Time, 2016). However, providing support and assistance for suicidal veterans has been proven difficult, in part because of the lack of data on the scope of the problem. Regardless of Crisis Line, I had learned the Veteran Affair Crisis Line director to resign because of text messages going unanswered (Time, 2016). Anyhow, there is no Veteran Hospital here in Bavaria, Germany. Many of the military personal here are Activity duties and single soldiers. Meanwhile, the few veterans I have met on military-post work as civilian at the PX or Commissary and other areas.