Suicide Informative Essay

Superior Essays
Everyone knows that death is inevitable. It is the circle of life. Most people hope to live up to their 80’s at least, some maybe even older. However, there are some who may not want that at all. These people may be struggling to want to live a life at all. Death at a young age can be hard for everyone. But death at a young age can be even harder when that person chooses to end their own life. Referred to as the “silent killer,” suicide is a growing epidemic, especially among young adults. The problem with suicide is that no one knows when a person is going to do it. There are many different ways a person can commit suicide such as firearms, drug overdose, hanging, loss of blood by cutting wrists or other body parts, jumping from heights, and so on. In 2013, suicide was the 10th …show more content…
Like mental illnesses, there are stigmatisms towards suicide. It is one of those topics that is usually frowned upon. People don’t like talking about suicide, and some may even ignore the fact that a person suffers from one, or they may not believe it. Most people may not even bother to learn more about it. Unfortunately, those who suffer from suicidal thoughts or behaviors may not even acknowledge the fact that they have it, or tell people about it because they fear judgement from their peers or colleagues. For young adults, suicide was ranked as the 3rd leading cause of death in 2010 for those who are 15-24 years old (Cash & Bridge, 2010).
The rate of suicides in Alaska is alarming. Studies have shown that Alaska has almost twice the amount of suicide rates while being compared to the rest of the nation (SSPC Annual Report FY2011-2012, 2012). Although Alaska is the largest state in the United States, it is one of the least populated states. Majority of the towns,

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