THESIS: Exercise can improve mental health through reversing cognitive decline, lessening anxiety, and improving self esteem.
INTRODUCTION: When I was younger, I never could have imagined growing up to be someone who finds peace through exercise. I always loved to play soccer, but I could never understand people who found exercise to be relaxing. I was always so exhausted after practice, and I felt as if I had been tortured. Now; however, I have come to realize how greatly exercising affects my mental health. After going to the gym it is as if not just my body, but also my mind has been cleansed.
CREDITABILITY: Personally, I enjoy exercising …show more content…
BODY--First, I will explain how physical activity may improve or reverse age and stress related decline in cognitive tasks. Next, I will inform you on how exercise can lessen the chances of stress and depression. Finally, I will speak about how exercise improves self-esteem.
FIRST MAIN POINT: Tobias Vogt, Stefan Schneider, Vera Abeln, Volker Annekan, and Heiko K Strüder in a 2012 issue of Behavioral Brain Research state that thirty minutes of exercise per day is very beneficial to the human brain.
INSIDE SUMMARY: A 2012 issue of Brain Sciences Sara Gregory, Beth Parker, and Paul Thompson includes information that upon doing animal testing on mice that exercise does indeed stimulate cognitive function. After daily treadmill running for only 4 weeks there was a noticeable change in the function of the mice’s brains. Aerobically-trained middle-age and old mice performed better on tasks involving memory and learning than those who were not exercising. These findings indicated that physical activity may improve or reverse age and stress related decline in cognitive …show more content…
Evidently, exercise can work quickly to elevate depressed mood in many people. Although the effects may be temporary, they show that a walk or other simple activity can deliver several hours of relief. Science has also provided some evidence that physically active people have lower rates of anxiety and depression than sedentary people. Exercise may improve mental health by helping the brain cope better with stress. In one study, researchers found that those who got regular vigorous exercise were 25 percent less likely to develop depression or an anxiety disorder over the next five