Are you for or against abortion? Well that is what i'm going to be talking about. Did you know that during abortion it does more harm than good? It harms the mother in many cases, and its killing an innocent baby. Im here to focus on abortion in general, but other things also, late term abortion and the effects it has on the mother. (" Late Term Abortion Clinic, Second And Third Trimester Abortion Clinic. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. <>.)
Did you know after 10-16 weeks of carrying the baby when it gets aborted it can feel pain, and often causes the baby is already developing a rib cage, and breathing amniotic fluids to practice breathing before it is actually delivered, in this case this is considered late term abortion, late term abortion not only can the baby feel pain but the mother does also. (<>.)
During the first trimester the mother has a few choices either surgical abortion, or the medical procedure, although medical abortion are only for nine weeks and under.
Late term pregnancy is determined if the baby is viable, viable simply means if its able to survive outside of the mother, because of this late term pregnancy …show more content…
In earlier stages of the trimester, medicines are given to the mother to induce labor early, and it can be as harsh as intact dilation and extract, and this is a method where this is the most controversial method mothers use now, and this is often proven to be the most harsh. The body is removed and later the head, which means in some cases they have to make two surgeries because the baby didn't all come out at once. This is also done by a doctor inserting a looped shaped steel knife, into the womb through a dilated cervix and the curette scrapes the walls of the uterus, and then the baby is cut into pieces. This may cause a lot of