Essay On Diversion Programs

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This chapter takes an in depth look at the literature on diversion programs,the different types of programs, its effectiveness, and participation requirements. Youth in the juvenile justice system often reflect a variety of high-risk elements that include inadequate family support, school failure, negative peer groups, and lack of utilization of community-based services(NCJRS). In order to address some of these high risk elements, we typically divert the youth through the use of diversion programs. A diversion program can be classified as any program that allows a youth to avoid official processing.(Wilson & Hodge, 2013) When juveniles are re-introduced back into the community we must look to address the issues that landed them in the system …show more content…
When it comes to diversion programs there are many types. According to Wilson & Hodge (2013) there are the pre charge diversion programs that are used when the youth has been arrested but ,is then placed in a diversion program instead of being formally processed, and post charge programs were the youth has been charged but instead of processing further they get placed in a diversion program . The distinction of diversion programs can be broken down even more into program type and referral level. A “true” diversion program refers to a program that is pre-charge, as they have limited involvement in the traditional justice …show more content…
In 1967, the President 's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice recommended that formal diversion of juvenile offenders should become common practice. Following this recommendation, there were hundreds of diversion programs initiated in the United States (Mason, 1995). Diversion programs were created with the thought that they would not only rehabilitate the youth and keep the out of the system but also prevent them from re-offending. According to the Development Service Group Inc., There are studies that show that diversion programs are in fact effective. However, on the other hand there are also studies that show both no change in behavior and in some cases negative behavior. In order to measure a programs effectiveness there needs to be a framework that lays out what exactly makes a program effective. Though there is no framework there are a few things we can look at and look for to see if a youth diversion program is

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