The juvenile justice system is largely in place to address juvenile crime, punish the offender, and rehabilitate in an effort to ensure the juvenile will not make the same poor choices moving forward. The first attempts to establish reform for juveniles can be traced back to 1825 and the New York House of Refuge. The first major reform to the juvenile justice system came in 1899 with the establishment of the first juvenile court in Illinois. (Wikipedia Contributors) At that time the assumption that juveniles are more amendable to rehabilitation than adult criminals is what guided the court and its decisions. This assumption is one that is still widely used in today’s juvenile justice system. Incarceration of a juvenile is used as a last resort and only when rehabilitative methods have been unsuccessful. Rehabilitation is the most chosen route when it comes to juvenile delinquency. A juvenile rehabilitation center is a place that is especially designed to take care of the minor children who have committed a crime, have been into drug abuse, or display behavior that …show more content…
The Youth Services Aide responsibilities include but are not limited to the supervision, observation, security and rehabilitation of youth in a group living situation. This is considered a non-professional position and one may be required to work day, evening, or night shifts. There is no secondary education requirements for this position and the current listed salary for a Youth Services Aide is $24,595.20 - $36,489.60 annually. This is an entry level position with the Alabama Department of Juvenile Justice. The other pursuit is that of a juvenile mentor. A mentor, someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person, would allow me to utilize past life experiences and the formal education I have received while obtaining my degree. Becoming a mentor to troubled youth would likely be a volunteer position that would coincide with my career as a youth services aide. My hope is to tell my story and lead with the knowledge of the mistakes I’ve made to make an impact on the youth of today. If I am able to reach out and help at least one person while in either of these positions I will have completed the greatest gift to society, and made all of my college study worthwhile. All of the struggles I have been endured and been faced with will finally be without