I chose to interview Rena Rogers she is a Licensed Counseling Professional within the Juvenile Detention Center. I chose to interview Rena because she works one on one with children of all ages. Rena received her masters from Walden University and is currently working on a second masters in trauma counseling. I am getting a masters in psychology with a concentration in forensics eventually I would like to go back for my doctorates and become a profiler. In the end I would like to counsel children serial killers, and hopefully be able to reintroduce them into society. I chose Rena because she is working with at-risk youth trying to prevent them from continuing a dangerous path, and hopefully keep them from becoming killers. In this paper I will be interviewing Rena, so that I can explore what it means to be a juvenile counselor and what it takes to work with children in a counseling setting. I will also be focusing on my personal reflections about my counseling career goals that have been clarified by this course. Summation of Interview
I chose to interview Rena Rogers she is a License Mental Health Professional working within the Juvenile Detention Center in Atlanta. The interview started off very awkward I was extremely nervous at first. …show more content…
Working within the court system means that she gets subpoenaed quite often and this can often mean that breaks confidentiality. When you receive a subpoena we learned in our text that a “court order permits the release of confidential information but does not mandate its release. (Linde, 2004, page 94)” When dealing with confidentiality it is always best to use your judgment just because a client has confidentiality does not mean they have a free pass to do whatever they