to a strict set of rules and guidelines to ensure they are deterred from crime while not in physical custody. For pretrial detainees who voluntarily and convicted offenders house arrest serves as a way to confine those who cannot afford bail or whose personal recognizance is not enough to be unsupervised. The main purpose of house arrest is not to stop criminal behavior, but to reduce the offender’s movement. House arrest will not stop criminal behavior, since they are still in their communities and have ample opportunity to associate with the same neighborhood criminals. House arrest can be supported by electronic monitoring…
Does whether a federal inmate goes straight to probation or has a stay at a federally contracted half-way house before going on federal probation affect their recidivism rate? That is the question this researcher wants to find out. Why does this question matter? If this researcher can see a significant difference in recidivism rates between felons who go straight to probation and those who go from a half-way first then move on to federal probation, the implications of the findings could save the…
maintain contact with their parole officer sometimes they may be required to meet every week or some cases they may just have phone conferences every few weeks throughout the month. Offenders may have to commence alcohol and or drug treatments based upon what they were convicted for. Also adding to the unscheduled urine drops they may have to take they may also have to attend counseling and community service. For community control the court has more involved regulation arrangements. Meaning that…
Paragraph 1 Main idea: House arrest is a kind of special and cheap penalty. Supporting details: House arrest is a program, which used by criminal justice authorities to restrict offenders with a limited area for a certain period, and it can reduce the spending because it requires less institution confinement. Paragraph 2 Main idea: House arrest was not accepted widely until people invented the electronic monitoring(EM) Supporting details: House arrest was not accepted widely because of lacking…
intervention programs.The type of programming depends on the crime that the youth commits along with some of the issues faced by the youth, as determined by multiple types of testing to include but aren 't limited to drug testing, psychological testing, psycho-social evaluations, and others. Formal diversion programs generally involve some conditions, including an admission of guilt and an agreement to participate in programming if available and if deemed suitable. Programming may be provided…
Questions 1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of tagging students with RFID tags? Some of the advantages include that would be easy track attendance in schools, it would enable to certain people to know where the children are in the school, if some child has left the school boudary, among others. Several disadvantages on the other hand include that not every parent would participate, and if it’s not well and completely explained the use of tags, some parent would have present concerns…
While interning in New Britain Adult Probation, I observed how each probation officer had their own style when it came to counseling their clients. The more time I spent in adult probation and with different probation officers, I began to wonder how successful these tactics were. Therefore, I will be researching how effective - in terms of successful completion of probation and parole and low recidivism rates - different forms of counseling are to individuals on either probation or parole. The…
Upon discovering that I would be an intern for Travis County Adult Probation, I had expectations on what I would encounter and an idea of what the position would entail. When thinking about individuals who are on probation, people I would soon face, I had an image of what they would be like. I imagined meeting people who displayed certain stereotypical characteristics that are promulgated through society such as baggy clothing, tattoos, and tough attitudes. I imagined uneducated people of low…
Never Betray Beliefs In Komunyakaa’s “Under House Arrest” he describes a situation where the narrator is stuck in his home. The narrator is describing his discontent and need to fight will dreading the awful position that he is in. He wishes that he could be outside and free from his shackles; however, he refuses to turn back on the actions he took and will end up taking. Because of this, the message the Komunyakaa is trying to get across is that no matter the situation, no matter the pain the…
I asked Tronsaune if he told his roommates he was going to shoot himself, and he said, "No, I'm just drunk." Tronsaune went on to say he was just walking home after buying cigarettes from 7/11. Officer J. Michels and T. Minkler arrived and stayed with Tronsaune while I went to Hamilton's residence. I contacted Hamilton, and the victim, Thanakrit Inkhaw at their address. Hamilton explained she is the owner of the residence, and she houses exchange students from Green River Community College…