Imagine what would've happened if the principal, who was shot up when she tried to stop the attacker, was armed. The principal died with no effect and only some glory. Though, if she had a weapon it would have ended much different. She would have had a chance to defend herself, and the students. A specific account of crime falling is when Florida passed its concealed carry laws. When Florida passed their concealed carry law homicide fell an astounding thirty-six percent. This amazing drop quickly put them a full four percent under the national average. Events similar to the one in Florida are happening across the country as more and more civilians become responsibly armed. Some states have gone a step further and even allowed ‘open carry’, which is as its name suggest open carry. These states are even more crime free than others that they are surrounded by. People often argue that more gun laws mean more crime. However, may I ask when the criminals started following the laws? That aside, one city the country hears a lot about when it comes to violence is Chicago. The thing is, Chicago is often considered to have the strictest gun laws in the country. However, even with the strict gun laws, the town is crippled with massive amounts of murder and shootings. Other places around the nation show that law-abiding citizens having a concealed gun lead to less crime instead of
Imagine what would've happened if the principal, who was shot up when she tried to stop the attacker, was armed. The principal died with no effect and only some glory. Though, if she had a weapon it would have ended much different. She would have had a chance to defend herself, and the students. A specific account of crime falling is when Florida passed its concealed carry laws. When Florida passed their concealed carry law homicide fell an astounding thirty-six percent. This amazing drop quickly put them a full four percent under the national average. Events similar to the one in Florida are happening across the country as more and more civilians become responsibly armed. Some states have gone a step further and even allowed ‘open carry’, which is as its name suggest open carry. These states are even more crime free than others that they are surrounded by. People often argue that more gun laws mean more crime. However, may I ask when the criminals started following the laws? That aside, one city the country hears a lot about when it comes to violence is Chicago. The thing is, Chicago is often considered to have the strictest gun laws in the country. However, even with the strict gun laws, the town is crippled with massive amounts of murder and shootings. Other places around the nation show that law-abiding citizens having a concealed gun lead to less crime instead of