For what? Why it is that children in the U.S. have to suffer? Why it is in America that kids go hungry? Why is it in America that people have no job? Why is it in America that people are homeless? Why it is in America that kids have to suffer? Simple, for some, common sense has been replaced with “entitlement” or simply just laziness…
For the most part, legal and illegal immigrants coming to the U.S. for the good of their children, not for themselves… I know this because my parents and the parents of most other kids coming to the U.S. for the same reason. Parents are supposed to make scarify for their kids – but why is it so many babies here in the U.S. got killed by the hands of those that supposed to loves them? My heart are breaking when I see things like that, those babies are the same age as my Little One. I can’t even stand to see my little girl crying, let alone choke the life out of her fragile body, but yet, there are few parents out there that able to do so….
It is a tragedy that we have to see so many sad things in this world: things that I can’t change, thing that I cannot control… but I always hope that I can make a different - one little thing at a