One day when I came home from school, I overheard my mother having a conversation about us finally getting permission from the U.S immigration services that we have the …show more content…
There was always paper work after paper work. Everything requirement had a deadline and my mom was able to complete them on time with the help of my brother and sister. There were times when she thought she would miss the deadline, or when she had to redo a requirement and mail it again because it wasn’t done correctly. Through all of the long process, we were able to complete everything on time. Coming to American to most people in the Caribbean is a place where one can escape the life of less opportunity and I was given that chance. Living in Jamaica is one of the hardest things one can ever endure. Yes, the island is a beautiful island but it can also be one of the most violent places to live. My aunt gave my family that chance. Jamaica is also a poor country, and everything back home has to be paid for including education and coming to America I had the opportunity to come to school without paying for elementary school or high school. Which one chance I am very thankful for. Every time I think of the process that we went through I become thankful, because I feel safer and I am able to get a better education. Not to mention I receive help to pay for my education, which compared to Jamaica, if u don’t have the funds to go to school then most likely you will be out of luck. Jobs is another factor, living in the States