Emily Huerta's Miss Representation

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The content of this task is linked to Unit 1:Language and gender, with a relation to Miss Representation. In Miss Representation, there are many girls that each tells a story about their life and show how culture influenced or made them the girl they are but how they later went against it because they knew they were worth more than what society has for them. In my short story a girl will be telling her story based on the American society and how through media the american’s image of a stereotypical american woman influenced her since she was a little girl and the consequences she faced because she believed what society had as the image of the perfect woman. The learning outcome I want to focus on is: Analyze how audience and purpose affect …show more content…
My name is Emily Huerta and I want to share my story. I don’t want to scare you guys, but I think it’s important to warn all of you about the consequences you can face if you fall into the lies media tells all of us about young women. Trust me; I’ve been through it myself. Wherever you go, you see ads. It’s crazy how many of those advertisements contain images of women. You see women half naked in food advertisement and in children’s commercials you see images of very skinny and pretty dolls. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, 69% of girls in the 5th- 12th grades reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape. I used to let myself fall into the lie that a women should look just like one of these dolls. I wasn't the prettiest nor was I as skinny as these dolls shown on television and because I wasn't pretty nor as skinny as these dolls I grew up very insecure about everything about …show more content…
I loved the Barbie so much. She was tall, skinny, had a very nice outfit, and was very pretty. I fell in love with it and being a little girl I actually treated it like a friend. That barbie was always there for me. She would help me pick out my outfit every day and would go with me wherever I went. At the age of about ten I would begin to think to myself “why can’t I be as pretty and skinny as you ”. I got so insecure about myself. I began to lock myself in my room and cry to sleep. Why couldn't I be pretty? Why couldn't I be taller? Why can’t I look like Barbie? My mother and father never gave me a positive comment about myself. Not once do remember them telling me “oh Emily you look so pretty today”. This hurt me so much because there would be some days where I tried so much to look pretty and hear those words from there mouth and never did I hear it. I continued to believe that I was ugly and I would ask myself so many questions about my face and the depression

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