The documentary begins with Newsom sharing a personal story about when she began seeing things in life clearly once she was pregnant with her first girl. In her story she mentions the struggles she faced only because she was a girl. Although she tried hard in sports, she never felt good enough because the media demonstrated that being strong and smart for a woman was not enough. It showed that women had to have unrealistic bodies and love from men to be worth it. Soon, she became violated by her coach and that is why she struggled with an eating disorder for two years. This information brings forward a sad mood when the audience hears it which is how this is an emotional appeal. In a way, the audience might feel sorry for her or frustrated that she had to go through that, and therefore agree with her argument. Then she mentions in the end how she wants the representation of women to change for the better for her daughter and her daughter’s generation, but there has to be more change. By bringing up a call for change is effective because it persuades the audience to want to finish seeing the documentary in hopes of knowing how they can help with eliminating the degrading female roles media demonstrates. Moreover, bringing up the youth is effective because they are the future of the nation and the only way to build a better future is based on how the youth get raised. So, the audience do get inspired to create change in hopes that it will improve the nation. It isn’t only emotional appeals Newsom incorporates, but also appeals to credibility. The documentary features several interviews with credible people such as lawyer and Stanford University professor of civil rights, Jim Steyer. Lawyers are seen as credible due to their extensive years of school they had to go through in order to become lawyers. Moreover, since he is professor of civil rights, it highlights that he is knowledgeable about …show more content…
During this part, media that have women in powerful roles are shown. For example, the Ellen show and Oprah. Yet, this was quickly refuted after a show with a female leader that got cancelled after one season was brought to attention. By bringing up the counterargument that media does display women in power makes people who disagree with her original stance, to believe in what she has to say. Mainly because they will view her as open minded and understanding of both sides. Also, by refuting the counterargument is effective because it can change the opinions of people who believe that the media does not under-represent