Unrealistic Body Image

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Over eighty percent of women in the United States are dissatisfied with their appearance (Ross). In today’s society women are constantly being told that they have to fit the standards of the ideal woman in order to be considered beautiful. Some of these standards include having light eyes, blonde hair, perfect teeth, flawless, tan skin, long legs, and a well-proportioned figure and are often times impossible for most women in the U.S. to attain (Sherrow). Women who do not fit under these criteria are often prone to eating disorders, depression, or anxiety and may find it difficult to develop a positive body image. Many researchers have concluded that media is one of the main causes of these unrealistic standards that women are held to (Sherrow). Photo manipulation, cosmetic surgery, and models are all found in media and are the three main contributors to unrealistic body image for women.

Media has evolved greatly over the past few decades due to the growth of electronics outlets
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What women are seeing in the media is fake and is an impossible version of beauty for all women to achieve and may cause some women to develop harmful behaviors. Eating disorders are found to be directly linked to the way women are portrayed in the media (Vaynshteyn). Women of all ages, young developing girls especially, may choose to participate in unhealthy eating patterns or even self-induced vomiting, also known as bulimia nervosa, in attempt to control their body weight (Hellmich). The promotion of the thin, sexy ideal in our culture has created a situation where the majority of girls and women don't like their bodies and can seriously harm themselves trying to emulate what is derived from this ideal

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