Ruining Body Image

Improved Essays
Is the Media Ruining Our Perception of Body Image?

Body image is the most universal topic that every person, despite age and gender, is able to comprehend. Body image is defined as the subjective picture or mental image of one’s own body; and this image can be influenced based on society expectations, cultural traditions, availability of basic needs, such as, food or water, and the representation the media is able to convey to most individuals.
Although every person has their own body image, it is still somewhat taboo in most areas to discuss what image should and should not be considered healthy or ‘ideal’. This leaves generations blind to the true horrors a morphed body image can cause until they develop eating disorders, low self-esteem,
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Many of the body types portrayed in the media, no matter the country, are unhealthy, uncommon, and unattainable for the average human; for example, it was found that the body type portrayed in the American media can only be found in about 5% of American females. This reality is extremely damaging to the mentality of young girls and a survey showed that 47% of girls ranging from 5th-12th grades in the US claimed that the pictures represented in magazines sparked their want to lose weight, while 69% of girls ranging from 5th-12th grades reported that body shapes and images found in the media has highly influenced their idea of a perfect body shape.
Although the media can also portray the benefits of healthy eating and exercise, which would be beneficial to influence a body image, these benefits are shrouded by constant commercials and advertisements depicting new diets, medications, and plastic surgery that shows one can only be happy if they are
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This access can be damaging as websites are created to promote unhealthy eating habits (such as thin-spo/thinspiration: meant to encourage anorexia) or to make fun of individuals who don’t conform to these ideals. While many question why these sites still exist and are not blocked due to the dangers they pose to all individuals, it is obvious the media has no incentive to change these broadcasts. The encouragement of people to lose weight, buy makeup, or find other methods of changing their looks give money to many corporations and some businesses would rather promote their own economic welfare before the welfare of the people.
Along with online sources dealing with body image, countless television shows have also been created to focus on the goal of losing weight. Many times the participants on such shows are presented as having disgusting life habits that cause the viewers to feel superior towards this struggling individual. These competitive reality shows, such as, The Biggest Loser, can inspire new dieting obsessions that lead to people trying dangerous fads in order to avoid becoming this grotesque figure on television meant to be seen in the worst

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