During the 1920’s the women who called themselves “flappers” where the women who made an impact on the idea of being thin. They represented that being thin was considered being well taken care of by the money their husbands in the war left behind. This brought a new change to the original social norm from women not being self sufficient, to the fact that women could be very independent and take care of themselves. As time moved on the thought of being thin seemed to be stirring in the minds of women all over and became a new reality in the 1960’s called the Contemporary ideal. This ideal was the start of making the concept that thin is the new beautiful a reality by moving through to the 1970’s and began an epidemic that brought corporations …show more content…
Beauty, is The one word that everyone wishes they could perfect and own the meaning of forever. They pursue this because with it give them the feeling of value and a sense of belonging by mirroring what society brands as beautiful. This is not necessarily a negative pursuit, being that every human being in the world naturally wants to feel and been seen as “beautiful”, but who defines beauty? A lot of world would says society or their peers, but who really has so much power to enforce an outer standard that everyone in the world wants to