While watching tv most of the character are thin, and the one character who is overweight is seen as unattractive. The outsider on television is always seen as ugly instead of using it as representative of beauty and uniqueness.”When girls begin to view fashion models and celebrities as icons, it is called media internalization. This internalization refers to the extent to which an individual invests in societal ideals of size and appearance (thin ideal for girls and muscular for boys) to the point that they become rigid guiding principles”. [Thompson et al., 2004]. This research was done twelve years ago since then we are now able to get millions of picture through social media. Public figures are posting picture of themselves with photoshop and filter. Young girl are unable to distinguishing the difference reality and alter photoshop, they strive to look like their role model which often time lead to heart break and health problems. According to authors Gemma Lopez-Guimera, who wrote an article about Mass Media and Eating Disorders “it has been indicated that the more use of media such as magazines and music videos, is correlated with higher levels of body dissatisfaction and with higher score of eating disorders components in females.” Women starve themselves to get the perfect body, that is promote as need to be attractive. Women crack under the pressure of the media and they start …show more content…
The media influence is just growing storage, and we need to make a stand so young girl will stop have an unreality image of perfection. We need start scrolling down Instagram and see many different types of beauties, and not let the media dictate what we see as beauty. Adverstiments that should suggested the one body types is more beautiful then another need to be banned. Women are cracking under the pressure they are put under to look at certain way, and are causing themselves mental and physical health affects. We need to teach young generations that it is impossible to look like the women on adverstiments, but they are beauty and one of a