Embryonic Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay

Superior Essays
Imagine being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, having to gain symptoms that range from speech problems, cognitive impairment, bowel and bladder difficulties, and difficulty with coordination. After going to the doctors’ for a few years, they decide to try a kind of medical science. They take a few skin cells from one of your appendages and with the help of microscopic technology, they transfer your nucleus into a donor egg that had its own nucleus removed. Then, a type of stimulation allows your nucleus to start dividing, creating new cells with only your DNA. With these new embryonic stem cells, they would lead to the cells that have caused your brain to deteriorate and restore your brain’s capability of functioning well again. This will reverse the process of you getting …show more content…
The Code has declared. “No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur...” (Doerflinger par. 5). This code claims that because embryonic stem cell research is involved with the destruction of a human, it should be prohibited to do such a thing for research. After this code was established, many declarations, including the Helsinki declaration, went along with prohibiting harm against all human beings. The Helsinki declaration asserted that this principle includes those who cannot stand up for themselves, hence including embryos (Doerflinger par. 8). Another protester, Klusendorf, argues that, “The extraction of stem cell from human embryos requires the killing of a human being which in results the destruction of defenseless human beings. Therefore, it is morally wrong.” (par. 20). Klusendorf is basically saying that what can turn into a potential human being shouldn’t be killed even if it doesn’t have a

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