Embryonic Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech

Improved Essays
Embryonic Stem cell research has killed many kids and more to come if we do not stop it. Stem cell research can be done with a stem cell from embryos, fetuses, and adult cells. The National Institutes of Health researched to see which would be easiest to use in laboratories. They found out that embryos would be the easiest because they will stay in a underfered state longer than the other cells will. Which means that they are not classified as any type of cell. Stem cell research kills humans, violates the boundaries between generations, benefits off of other people's wrongdoing and there are other ways of getting cells than endanger the life of a baby.
There are many ethical concerns that come along with embryonic stem cell research. There are three ways that the scientist get embryos for research, they get them frozen from reproduction senators, they make a sperm and ova, or they make cloned embryos. In order to conduct embryonic stem cell research you need an embryo. An embryo is a human fertilized egg in the early stages. According to Stem Cell Research Parish Education Program, “ fertilization represents the beginning of a new human life distinct from that of the parents.”An embryo should be treated as a person. SCNT stands for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. SCNT is when the scientist take out the nucleus of the egg and
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When a catholic church heard about this they made a moral stance. Their reasoning is that having people do research on a fetuses that was just killed will make people think that abortion is good. The church believes that you are killing a human when you abort a fetus. It is just a different method than killing them with a gun or any other way. They do not want people to think that abortion is good because it is benefiting the human race. The scientist are seeking the benefit of other people's wrongdoing. Using aborted fetuses for stem cell research is benefit of other people's

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