Embryonic Stem Cell Ethics

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According to Wikipedia, “Ethics, sometimes known as philosophical ethics, ethical theory, moral theory, and moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct, often addressing disputes of moral diversity.” (Wikipedia, 2014) Ethics is viewed throughout different cultures as the correct way to live life, and as being “Morally Right”. Throughout this report, the ethical issue that will be explored is Embryonic Stem Cell research, additionally the issue is going to be considered from the philosophical frame work of Natural Law. Although, the two positions of Catholic Social Teaching and Scientific Research, both view Embryonic Stem Cell research as being unethical …show more content…
For example, the creation story, is what Catholics believe to be the only right way to reproduce compared to Scientific Research, which explains human curiosity about furthering scientific knowledge in health. Natural Law does believe that it can be right to procreate using other methods but within reason.
2.0 Ethical Issue: Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Embryonic stem cells are taken from a human embryo to change into any other type of cell in the human body. They are used to help develop knowledge in science and further research about terminal illnesses and other problems. Human embryonic stem cells can divide without limit, and yet maintain the potential to make all the cells of the body. These cells were discovered by James Alexander Thomson, who is an American developmental biologist. In 1998, James Thomson and his group of students successfully isolated a group of Embryonic
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According to Aristotle, the approach that everything’s purpose was revealed in its design didn’t entitle that Christian morality could be based on human reason alone, or could function without any contribution from revelation. Instead it argued that human reason, only given by God, was the starting point for all morality. This could offer a reasonable basis for those moral precepts that were also known through revelation, and which could be added by the specific moral rules offered in the scriptures. However, when Embryonic Stem Cell Research relates to Natural Law it is seen as an unethical treatment. Embryonic Stem Cell Research is going against the morality of a human, which then leads on to saying that humans are going against God’s decisions for us. The destruction of the embryo contravenes the ‘final cause’ of conception of God. As human’ some of our values are based on helping the sick, injured and finding solutions to problems that we can’t solve and that is what we believe as being morally right. But, this is seen as extraordinary treatment as it results in the death of embryos, which is not worth the potential benefits.
3.2 Strengths of Natural Law: Embryonic Stem Cell Research
There are not really any strengths of Natural Law for Embryonic Stem Cell Research because all of the points for the research is negative. The only strengths that is likely to

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