Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay

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The intern sighed as she threw away, yet again the remains of a manipulated human embryo into the receptacle. As the intern began to clean the petri dish that once held such a small but significant life, she wondered how the rest of the scientists took killing an innocent life so lightly. Stem cell research is beneficial because it helps to further the research towards the cure of diabetes, cancer, other various diseases and illnesses, and the advancement in the growth of such stem cells also helps further the research in organ growth. However, some ways the scientists conduct and carry out stem cell research is neither morally correct nor practical.
Stem cell research helps further the advancement in the curing of diseases such as diabetes
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The process of most stem cell research is executed is with the use of an embryo. According to the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (ALS), “embryonic stem cells can be isolated from fertilized embryos less than a week old.” This process has caused some controversy throughout world and many have chosen not to support stem cell research because of this fact. Many people are disturbed by this because the researchers create a human life from an egg and sperm cell to create an embryo and then use the embryo for the stem cells only, then rid of the embryo all together. One would believe that this is murder because of the destruction and death of an early but yet still live embryo. However, there are other ways a researcher could get the desired stem cells of which include bone marrow and the umbilical cord. ALS states that “stem cells occur naturally, such as within the bone marrow, umbilical cord, or they can be created from other kinds of cells and that iPS cells human embryos were the only source of human cells that were available for research.” “Although not as big in number, iPS cells are induced pluripotent stem cells which are less harmful and yet more

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