With childhood obesity being a serious concern in the United States, parents are finding ways to help keep their kids stay active and away from the their TVs. Maybe a child is not interested in a sport right away. Sports sampling is the act of trying out different sports or activities as a child to see what really interests them and it fosters them to be diverse. This has been proven to have significant impact on the physical fitness of a person throughout adulthood (Coté 8). On the other hand, parents need to be aware of excessive training and over exertion while participating in organized sports. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that half of the sports injuries that happen in children are because of over training and are preventable (Casses 1014). These injuries could be prevented as easily from stretching, hydrating, and even wearing the proper personal protective gear. Some injuries can also be caused by over training and repetition. One specific injury is “Little Leaguer’s Elbow”. “Little leaguer’s elbow has been described as an apophysitis of the medial epicondyle in athletes between nine and 12 years of age.” (Casses 1016). Basically what it looks like is a small crack near the shoulder in the rotator cuff. This is caused by rapid use of shoulder by extensive strain and force used to throw a ball. Active participation in organized sports has multiple significant impacts on a child’s physical health, in turn affects his social health. Organized sports, play a significant role in a child social development. Children who have active involvement in sports get to experience and build upon teamwork and problem solving skills. Coaches that help foster a good team building experience for children often aid in child’s social development. Coaches have been known to assume the role of many different
With childhood obesity being a serious concern in the United States, parents are finding ways to help keep their kids stay active and away from the their TVs. Maybe a child is not interested in a sport right away. Sports sampling is the act of trying out different sports or activities as a child to see what really interests them and it fosters them to be diverse. This has been proven to have significant impact on the physical fitness of a person throughout adulthood (Coté 8). On the other hand, parents need to be aware of excessive training and over exertion while participating in organized sports. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that half of the sports injuries that happen in children are because of over training and are preventable (Casses 1014). These injuries could be prevented as easily from stretching, hydrating, and even wearing the proper personal protective gear. Some injuries can also be caused by over training and repetition. One specific injury is “Little Leaguer’s Elbow”. “Little leaguer’s elbow has been described as an apophysitis of the medial epicondyle in athletes between nine and 12 years of age.” (Casses 1016). Basically what it looks like is a small crack near the shoulder in the rotator cuff. This is caused by rapid use of shoulder by extensive strain and force used to throw a ball. Active participation in organized sports has multiple significant impacts on a child’s physical health, in turn affects his social health. Organized sports, play a significant role in a child social development. Children who have active involvement in sports get to experience and build upon teamwork and problem solving skills. Coaches that help foster a good team building experience for children often aid in child’s social development. Coaches have been known to assume the role of many different