In “Children Need to Play, Not Compete,” Jessica Statsky tells about the harm that sports cause and how much the children are expected to show up. They are asked to perform much higher than their physical capacity. This causes severe mental issues. It always remains there, the expectations their parents have from them and also the stress or pressure they get from the fellow teammates. Statsky further says how much she dislikes this behavior of parents and the coaches towards the children. She says that children are often asked to perform too much and to apply too much stress on their feeble muscles. Stastky also claims that the fear of injuries don’t let the children enjoy the spirit of sports and make them alien to the participation …show more content…
A lot of parents put their children in such conditions where the children reach to the point where they start getting offended. Applying adult standards on children is like reaching to a chaotic situation. For examples in games like Football and volleyball, children are expected to always win using strategies that involve physical contact. If they ever fail, they are questioned about the failure. It makes the children feel bad about the loss and leave them disheartened. I remember when I was a child and used to play football in a local club, I was good at tackling and the defense position, once I was asked to play on the attacking position. I had never played this position before so there was a lot of burden from the other team members on me and the coach too because they were all depending on me to get the possession but I couldn’t get it. As a result, we lost the match. After the match, everybody put the blame on me and it made me feel really bad. It was a very bad experience and I felt like I’ve committed a crime.
The basic purpose of sports is to promote and maintain physical and mental strength, to promote discipline, to gain a quality experience and introduce the advantages of working in teamwork. All this helps in bringing …show more content…
Personal objectives to win things should not be achieved by bringing up the children with the thought that winning is everything. They should be taught to accept the defeat because it’s a part of life. I agree with Statsky that sports and games should be designed to help the children grow strong physically and mentally rather than developing a hate for others and just considering the ways to win a game. Most importantly the game should be