Benefits Of Youth Sports Essay

Improved Essays
In discussion of youth sports and the benefits associated, one controversial issue has been improving the developmental benefits while decreasing the risks associated. On the one hand, research provides evidence surrounding the numerous developmental benefits associated with youth sports participation. On the other hand, research provides us with the risks involved with youth sports if certain precautionary measures are not addressed. However, more strict regulations placed on youth practice times and rule changes for competitive games, if implemented correctly, can greatly decrease the risks involved in youth sports and further improve the benefits already associated. Others have even maintained that youth sports, despite the risks involved, …show more content…
These risks are involved in many aspects of life and can be seen anywhere from work to school and do not solely occur in sports. Without youth sports, how else would children acquire certain skills obtained through participation? Certainly, youth can engage in free-play with fellow peers and will obtain certain skills, but they will not receive all the fundamental skills associated with well-regulated organized sports. Nonetheless, research has proven youth sports is an excellent way for children to learn fundamental life skills, appreciation of fitness and a strong motive to participate in social interaction. The question that must be addressed is: Will these fundamental skills developed through sports improve youth development and enhance other aspects of life? The answer to this question lies within the skills developed from sports, and how the skills can be applied to or enhance other parts of life. For example, sports contribute to youth growth and maturation, increased physical health, self-worth and moral development. Furthermore, moral development and maturation improve character, time management and goal setting which greatly increase academic achievement, improve positive social behavior and enhance work ethic …show more content…
Framework for youth sports emphasizes competition rather than fun, which decreases a child’s willingness to continue participating. Additionally, unrealistic expectations from parents and coaches to be an elite player are detrimental to adolescents’ self-esteem by increased stress and pressure to perform. Such high expectations placed on young athletes create a negative atmosphere when expectations are not met, problems such as anxiety, depression and decreased sense of self-worth are apparent. Nevertheless, studies continue to provide indisputable evidence pertaining to the numerous benefits of youth sports. The question that must be addressed is: Will these psychological benefits seen in youth sports improve adolescent behavior and self-esteem? The answer to this question is based on the idea of youth sports emphasizing fun to provide positive reinforcement rather than winning or losing. Changing the philosophy behind youth sports can help transform a negative environment into a positive one, so children can thrive and benefit from their increased willingness to continue participation. According to Weiss and Stuntz, “. . . Sports can provide peer interaction through both

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