Globally, women are largely outnumbered by men in the workforce. According to Twitter’s 2014 Diversity Report, women represent only 30% of the overall workforce. Women are largely absent from decision making positions and only make up 21% of leadership roles. Women are paid 75% of what men earn, yet companies with women on their boards make 4% more profit and tend to be more stable. One reason as to why these companies are more stable is that having women on the company’s board meant a better mix of leadership skills. Studies show that: women were found to be particularly good at defining responsibilities clearly as well as being strong on mentoring and coaching employees. Men were much better at taking individual decisions and then corrective action should things go awry. Overall, these statistics imply that women have fewer opportunities in the workforce than men, or that women are not encouraged to pursue jobs in male-dominated industries. In countries like Japan, the aging population and shrinking labour force reduces its potential growth rate. One cause behind Japan’s shrinking labour force is women dropping out of the workforce after childbirth. This is due to inflexible employment policies …show more content…
Sexism can influence or provoke those affected to execute violent or hurtful activities, such as crime and bullying. In China, boys are favoured over girls, since the male offspring represented protection for the parents in their old age, as well as continuity of lineage. Additionally, due to the China’s one-child policy, abortions of female foetuses have caused a huge gender ratio imbalance; In 2005, 120 males were born for every 100 females. This may cause a future surge in sexual violence and trafficking of women, since the number men who would not find a wife will increase. Currently, The Girl Care Project is in progress to encourage the birth of girls to prevent this from happening. Thus, the crime rate will increase, showing the hindrance of society’s moral progress. Another example of sexism hindering society’s moral progress is acid throwing. In Bangladesh, where acid attacks are common, they are often a form of revenge mostly targeted at women for refusal of sexual advances, proposals of marriage and demands for dowry. Since 1990s, Bangladesh holds the title for highest number of attacks and highest incidence rates per 100, 000 women; 3, 512 Bangladeshi victims from 1999 to 2013. Core values and principles do not seem to be enforced, as proven by such immature and self-serving behaviour. Therefore, this hinders Bangladesh’s moral …show more content…
Male nurses are usually less well regarded by society than their female counterparts. In countries with aging populations, such as Singapore, this form of discrimination limits the supply of nurses and health care professionals available to tend to the aged populace. Thus, this renders the society unable to provide for the community’s comfort and health, hindering its social