In addition to its history, Ecuador is known for having numerous amounts of species. It is one of seventeen mega diverse countries in the world. “The new constitution of 2008 is the first in the world to recognize …show more content…
Ecuador is a presidential republic. Many countries, including Ecuador, have transformed from a command economy, an economy that has all its decisions made by a central government such as: “what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom to produce it” (Rampell, 2010), to a more market economy. This country depends primarily on its petroleum resources. The Petroleum productions are responsible for more than half of the country’s earnings for exports. The economy of Ecuador is based on the exports, of non-traditional products, of oil, agriculture, seafood. Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of bananas and a major exporter of shrimp. Exports Industry is largely oriented to servicing the domestic market