In South and Central America, they have many exports and jobs to keep their countries running smoothly. For example,most of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) is in the service industries. (Doc B) Some of their major industries that open up many jobs are the petroleum, food, mining, and mineral industries. (Doc A) They also have many agricultural products like coffee, cotton, bananas, sugar cane, and timber. (Docs A&C) Although they have many exports that make money, jobs, and food, but there are many uneven possessions and conditions in these areas.
In the South and Central …show more content…
These continents have good and bad things in them, but this all leads to their economic development. The civilizations civilized the area and then the population decreased drastically. Before they left and the population dropped, the Inca civilization used the mountainous areas as their home to raise sheep, llamas, and some crops. The Latin American area, which consists of South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean Islands, has has good and bad economic differences that have contributed to their economic