Analysis Of Room By Donoghue

Improved Essays
A Critical Analysis: Inside Donoghue’s Room
Jack is like a hamster. Each day, the hamster eats and grows, but does its cage ever get bigger? The answer is no; the cage will not become larger until the hamster is able to move to a different environment. Each day Jack grows, but his surroundings remain the same size. For this five-year-old, one hundred and twenty-one square feet are his entire world. Beige tiles and lifeless walls are all he has ever known. Here is where Jack and his mother, Ma, have been held captive by Old Nick. As the boy grows, the room feels as if it is getting smaller, and so are the chances of getting out. Emma Donoghue creates a novel so realistic it is hard to deem it imaginable. Her National Bestseller, Room, has won
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According to Derbhile Dromey’s Blog: Literary Fiction vs. Popular Fiction, “Popular fiction aims to entertain, to thrill, and to comfort readers.” Room fits the popular fiction genre because the first half of the novel is the journey of Jack and Ma’s life before they escape from Room. The second half of the novel depicts the struggles Ma experiences while readjusting into society, and Jack’s ability to cope with his newly discovered world. Donoghue writes to absorb the reader’s attention. Readers remain interested in a novel when an author fully develops characters. Donoghue makes readers feel as if Jack and Ma are real people. She spends a lot of time creating a mother and son whose bond is so strong that the reader does not want to put the book down because he or she feels invested in these protagonists: “We sit curled up in rocker and Ma reads me ‘Dylan the Digger’ three times, that means she is sorry” (32). Ma is the only person Jack has had contact with Jack for the entirety of his life. Jack and Ma are developed characters not only because readers can empathize with them, but readers can understand the characters outside the problems they are faced …show more content…
Popular fiction authors use succinct language in their work. Literary fiction authors use more descriptive writing techniques such as personification or metaphor. An abundance of dialogue is common in popular fiction. Room contains endless conversations between Ma and Jack, with Jack’s thoughts occasionally interjecting. Jack is only five-years-old; therefore, he does not use elaborate language nor does his mother speak to him in such a way. Jack’s living conditions are limited, so he cannot do things that other boys his age can do. Ma spends a lot of time educating Jack. Although Jack is extremely intelligent, at times he still speaks like a five-year-old: “He cutted off the power so the vegetables went slimy” (183). Donoghue embraces Jack’s childish speech because readers may find themselves forgetting that Jack is so young. The concise dialogue Ma and Jack use are very evident in fitting with the popular fiction

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