Do I Think Teens At 16 Should Drive?

Decent Essays
Do I think teens at 16 should drive? Yes, I do. I think the age limit should stay the same. I am going to explain why I think we should still have the same age limit.

Two boys one day were driving and had a tragic accident. They were both dead at the age 16 and 17. Members at the AAA calculated how many teens have had accidents or died during 1995 and 2004. The number was 30,917. So after that people had protests to change the driving limit to 18. I feel strongly about keeping the limit the same. I don’t think that we should change the limit because it is like taking away their freedom. If you push back the age limit to 18 there will not be a point of driving. See when you turn 18 your legally an adult and you want to do things on your

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