Assessing Diversity Initiatives Acme Inc. has asked for an analysis and evaluation of three diversity recruiting initiatives implemented a year ago. The goal is to increase the diversity of new hires. The three initiatives are minority college recruiting, job fairs in minority communities, and mining diversity websites such as the diversity employment exchange. The HR manager has requested an I/O external consultant to aid in understanding which recruiting methods were the most successful at making a good impression of Acme Inc. as a potential employer. Recruits completed a five-point Likert-scale item ranging from one (definitely would not accept) to five (definitely would accept) that rated how likely he…
In the workplace, the role of gender, race and ethnicity can influence the effectiveness of the company's performance. Diversity in an organization involves the development of a work culture where people of different races, genders and nationalities can blend to achieve the same goals. By studying various groups, we can determine the effects of diversity and what particular gender dominates in the workplace. In our society, there are occupations that economists call “pink collared jobs.”…
Being exposed to diversity can expose one to a “variety of views and experiences, promotes cross-racial understanding, and helps to break down racial stereotypes.” In a society where people “enjoy less trust, sociability, and a sense of community overall; not having a choice whether to work, and whom they work with on a daily basis, with interactions being compelled by managers” brings a strange disconnection in society. However, the almost demanded and controlled diversity in the workplace by managers has been successful. “Both the external law governing workplaces and the constraints that operate within workplaces help to make the often troubled and often failed project of racial integration work relatively well there. ”…
Activity 1 Introduction In this report I will discuss factors that affect an organization’s approach to both attracting talent and recruitment and selection. My report will also include some recruitment methods and its advantages. Benefits to the Organization of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. Currently, an increasing number of organizations are attempting to enhance inclusiveness of underrepresented individuals through proactive efforts to manage their diversity.…
DeCelles attempts through this study to show ‘pro-diversity’ companies that there is an “obvious disconnect between the companies’ pro-diversity message and actual acceptance of diverse applicants” in many of these situations DeCelles does not believe this is done intentionally but vigilant trainings and reoccurring reviews on the recruiting process to assure that a ‘pro-diversity’ value truly connects all the way from start to finish on hiring the best candidate for skill not…
Our military has not been known to represent diversity, banning women from certain roles, racially discriminating against people of color and rejecting members of the LGBT community for years. Dependent on the military for much of their revenue stream, Northrop Grumman Corporation has sidestepped the diversity issues faced by the military and has made significant strides in their diversity and inclusion…
McCuiston et al (2004), states that the implementation of policies to promote workplace diversity results in the improvement of the bottom line which ultimately leads to increased competitive advantage; superior business performance; higher levels of employee satisfaction and loyalty. Contemporary scholars concur that having and making use of a diverse workforce has resulted in accrued benefits to organizations (; Stewart and Brown, 2010; Dessler, Mathis et al., 2013 ;). The success of diversity management initiatives is underpinned by embedding equal employment opportunities (EEO) policies in the firm’s business practices. For diversity management to be effective, it should not be aimed at non discriminatory policies that makes provision for…
Diversity in any type of organization is beneficial for all individuals involved to include top management to the ground employees. Having diversity in a workplace encourages tolerance, acceptance and more rounded place for all employees to work for. It gives persons the ability to grow and to also go up the ladder in the company. Diversity in the military has always been a problem involving women and minorities, but in the last decade there has been a real focus on the lack of minorities in the officer ranks. Women and minorities have only a small percentage of being senior officers compared to the more than seventy percent of whites in the active duty military.…
239). Diversity Diversity in the workforce is an important commodity in today’s society. When a company lacks diversity, it misses out on the benefits and opportunities that it would potentially receive if it fully embraced diversity. There are certain solutions that a company should take to help insure that it creates a more diverse workforce. "Difficult goals direct our attention to the task at hand and away from irrelevant distractions," and "lead us to discover strategies that help us perform the job or task more efficiently" (Robins, 2010, p.69).…
Ethnic and cultural diversity in the U.S. Army permeates history as far back as the Revolutionary War and through every war, the United States has taken part in since. The Army we know today has changed so much since those times, frequently for the better. These winds of change are due to the Army’s promotion of social equality. Background, schooling, race, religion, and other factors shape Soldiers immensely. By acknowledging differences, qualifications, contributions, and potential, you create an environment where subordinates know they are valued for their skills, contributions, and differences.…
Case Study 1: BHP Recruitment Diversity and equality in the BHP workplace is a key matter that is taken into consideration within the recruitment process as it ensures that all 100 000 employees and contractors are given equal employment opportunities. In response to this BHP continually develop specialised recruitment strategies that incorporate their companies key values such as “Diversity of workforce is everything”. This fundamental value is the cornerstone for all recruitment strategies at BHP and indicates how essential it is for BHP to recognise the different ideas and perceptions that individuals have when applying for a job consequently providing them all with equal employment opportunities. Through the use of external recruitment…
Hiring for diversity is an important issue and sometimes it is necessary in public agencies, and also the fire service for many reasons. One reason would be that in these communities there are cultural barriers, which mean that potentially there also are language barriers. This can cause lack of communication between the ones that are providing the help and those that need it and can be extremely frustrating for the providers. Hiring people that are bi-lingual is a huge bonus for public agencies. In addition, having diversity can ensure that people in the communities feel that their race, religion, culture, gender etc. are being respected and that are also well represented.…
Diversity in the workplace allows an organization to explore multiple avenues of reasoning when dealing with work related situations. While several employees may have similar qualities…
Education, is the primary method to attract more women towards the military. Recruitment of women needs to be done through educating women on the career opportunities that are available. Education alone will not change women’s views on the military, strong female role models within the military are equally necessary. As of 2011 females representation is at 14.5%, yet they make up only 7.3% of general officers (Harvey and Allard, 2015, p. 230). If the military wants to attract the best and brightest soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and sailors, women need to know that the opportunities exists for success.…
This link goes to a page that is a good example of what more departments need to do. It explains why they need more diversity. It wants people to get involved in their community. I think it is a step in the right direction in recruiting minorities. It frames their service more for their community than for the department.…