Tidd (2001) noted that it is however worth noting that the world without the technology would be vulnerable to the ruthless dictation by the nature which depends on the survival of the fittest while the weak will be sacrificed. Disruptive technologies are innovations that disrupt an existing market or value of a particular product by displacing the previous technology and creating a new market. On the other hand, transformational technologies do not always displace the existing technologies, but rather adds value and improves on these technologies thereby allowing the companies and firms to compete against each other in transformational innovations. Avgerou (2000) found that many firms and companies often fail or are driven out of business because they fail to keep pace with the technology as much as their competitors. The disruptive technologies are however not usually disruptive to the customers but their deleterious effects can substantially lead to the decline of the consumer demand of a particular company leading to their reduced profits and sometimes to the phasing out of the particular firm or company out of the market. For example, the floppy disk industry is an example of a case where the technological changes have resulted in the failure of the industry. It clearly demonstrates the fact that companies and firms can only succeed if they carefully seek to understand the dynamics of the market as well as the needs of the consumers and consequently investing aggressively in a technology which that satisfies them. Down in technology history, Avgerou (2000) added that the floppy disk drives technology use was based on the use of electromagnets whose polarity could be changed through the application of an electric magnet thereby changing the magnetic …show more content…
The floppy disk drives were able to store up to MP. Although at first the technology the floppy disks were able to sustain the rate of improvement in the product performance of the company, it eventually led to the disruption of the performance trajectory which consequently resulted in the failure of the company (Thamhain, 2013). It is, therefore, significant to understand the role that technological innovations play in the success or failure of firms and business that depend on them. This research will review the disruptive effects of the digital photography technology in the film industry as well as the transformational benefits of cloud computing in the information and technology …show more content…
The management of change process from the Prosci’s change management practiceThamhain (2013). It was introduced for the first time in 2002 that is applied in three practices in the change management benchmarking. The three phases used in the project management are a crucial practice that influences the performance of organization through change. It is driven from the research-based assessment. The first phase comprises of the change management preparation(Puranam, Singh & Zollo,