In contrast, I’ve always been a Christian. My mom’s side has always been and got me into it as well. Just because Emilie and I have differences in religion, though, does not mean that we are completely different people. My church baptism and hers at her temple are different by- “You recite a blessing before and after reading the torah which is the more important part than actually reading it.” You do different things at baptisms in different religions which shows how seperate it all is. We do have similarities though and that’s why we became friends and still are to this day. We may disagree on some things, especially in the religion side of culture, but that still doesn’t mean that we can’t be friends and care for one another. I’m glad I’m friends with someone like her because she has such sweet qualities that is very rare to find in most people.
Emilie Barone is a gentle, sweet …show more content…
A small, conserved girl, with a blank stare and a contagious laugh. A girl made out of iron, which no matter what she’s put through will make it out in the end… A girl who is always going places, her short legs taking her around and around, her tough mind yet gentle touch. During the interview, she stated “my mom kinda enrolled me in Sunday school when I was little and I didn’t question it.” She’s strong even when she doesn’t know where she’s going in life or what’s changing around her. She’s a girl who is strong in her sensitive