“Describing myself” At first, this task seemed really easy. Who knows me better than me, myself? “Piece of cake”, I thought. Obviously, I was wrong.…
After identifying the problem we can then try and understand what factors contribute to the problem. What prompts certain thoughts, behaviors, and actions that contribute to the problem that is being dealt…
I was in my room it was June 19. I went to go to the restroom and then I ate. I went to go change. I went outside to go to my friends house.…
To brainstorm I wrote down plenty of ideas to talk about. I weeded out some things that weren't going to fit in as well as others like irrelevant events and such. I didn’t do much research other than looking for important details about my topic. To keep my narrative in order from one life event to another I…
The white now-deformed cylinder clung to the carved stick as it melted. Before it could fall to its hot, fire-induced death, I whisked the stick away and carefully scraped the marshmallow onto the graham cracker square laden with delicious chocolate. As I delicately placed the camping creation onto my lips, the background noise of the wind and not-so-spooky stories calmed me as I watched the flames lick at the logs, slowly transforming them into ashes and embers. Everything was too perfect. I sat at the picnic table, and wondered if this was compensation for the last camping trip my family took, nearly a decade ago.…
I can remember my mother hugging us tightly with tears rolling down her face before letting us on the plane. It was my at the time 8 year old brother, 2 year old sister and I waving goodbye to mommy on Monday September 10th 2001. She cried out, “ see you guys in a few days, I love you!” As we walked on with our book bags my eyes became watery, stomach suddenly tight, and heart pounding. We approached our seats and there was no doubt that I had to let my little brother have the window seat.…
Have you ever heard the term home is where the heart is? In the summer after my freshman year, I found this to be true. I encountered experiences that illuminated the value of time spent with family and how this creates a sense of home. My family and a few members of my congregation went on a mission trip to Duluth and Superior. We did a variety of things such as helping people in hunger stricken areas, working and arranging clothes in a woman’s shelter, and spending time with kids at Superior’s Boy’s…
The most exciting thing I did the summer was go to Texas to visit my friend and we went to Turner falls in Oklahoma. It was so fun to see my best friend again and hangout out with her. I thought it was a fun experience to go visit her and see my other friends to. I was so excited to see my old house and old school. I went to Texas for my best friends birthday…
Ready for an adventure, I woke up early that rainy morning in mid-August. Last minute preparations and the long road trip ahead of us left me feeling anxious and excited all at the same time. I had been waiting for this trip to North and South Dakota for months now and I was starting to get impatient. The minute my family climbed into our massive rental car, my mood brightened up tremendously.…
It pierced my ear as it blasted up, screaming a high pitched scream. The loud noise always scares me. Even when I know it’s coming. That’s what happened last time. I got so scared that I leaped out of my chair.…
The first thing I heard this morning was my mom yelling. “Get up! Get up! It’s time for school!”…
Almost every day something surprising happens. I always expect something yet it almost always doesn't go exactly as I planned. Like this one time my kitchen was getting worked on because it was slowly getting worse and worse every day, It was supposed to get fixed in one day but it took months to start and get it fixed. Another time something unexpected happened is when I thought I was going to a birthday party…
Have you ever wished that you had listened to your mom or dad when they asked you to promise to not do something or go somewhere? Well, that reminds me of the time when my mom said “Promise to come straight home from school, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, come straight home right after school, and make sure you put on a helmet”. I know that I will never break a promise to my mom again. It was a hot summer day after school.…
It was May of 2005 when my family and I went on our grand vacation. To celebrate my grandparents’ 50th anniversary, we went on the Carnival Conquest Cruise for seven whole days. We were to visit Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island, and Cozumel, Mexico. This was the trip of a lifetime and I will never forget those seven days and nights. It was the last class of the day on a Friday in May.…
A couple of things made that day stand out more than any other: It was the day when my sister (Shayne) and I visited our dad and our families on his side in Sapian, Visayas, Philippines. “Phachuw!..Ratatatat.”…