"Accordingly, seeing that our senses sometimes deceive us, I was willing to suppose that there existed nothing really such as they presented to us; and because some men err in reasoning, and fall into paralogisms, even on the simplest matters of Geometry, I, convinced that I was as open to error as any other, rejected as false all the reasonings I had hitherto taken for demonstrations; and finally, when I considered that the very same …show more content…
His initial premise, doubting reality, follows the process of thinking regarding the mind's perception of its environment. The body and mind are separate in Descartes' understanding. Though they work in tandem, human experience is dependent on the mind. The body is merely a vessel for the mind, and its senses cannot be trusted to determine reality. The mind, then, is what must be examined to determine the scope of reality. The mind, however, perceives senses equally when awake and asleep. This ability to perceive senses and create vivid memories is what allows the mind to dream. This is not unlike the “brain in a jar” theory which suggests that a person's experience could be little more than a brain floating in a jar with electrodes administering the right electrical impulses to mimic reality. The same principle applies, but instead of electrical impulses, the brain is experiencing a dream. Thus, the mind is not fully trustworthy to discern the difference between reality and …show more content…
If the mind's senses cannot be trusted to discern between dreams and reality, then, there is little reason to believe that it is capable of confirming the reality of existence. Descartes argues that the simple fact that the mind is currently thinking proves its existence when he utters "I am thinking, therefore I exist" (Descartes). This mind is currently conducting its thoughts based on the stimuli it is experiencing. In the “brain in a jar” theory, the mind experiences electrical impulses that stimulate thought. These impulses are not unlike the senses Descartes explains are experienced by the mind while both awake and dreaming. Yet, Descartes’ duality theory also suggests that the mind is separate from the body. Thus, in that example, the brain would represent the body because the mind is a concept without substance or physical properties – it interacts causally with the body. Therefore, without the body, the mind cannot interact with the real world, experience the senses that cause stimuli, or conclude the thinking that confirms existence. However, with the body, the mind cannot trust its senses - the whole premise of the Dream Argument for Skepticism. Therefore, according to Descartes, the mind is unable to determine its existence with the body, but is also unable to determine its existence without the body. As a result, reality, perhaps, does not exist, and one can never know if one exists or