Postpartum Depression In Children

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There are many children who suffer from depression. According to Rama Rao, MD, "It is estimated that five percent of all children suffer from serious depression that requires some form of treatment and intervention by physicians and other health care workers." Many parents don 't even realize their child is suffering from depression. When they see their child sad they often assume it is problems with other friends that will eventually pass. Treatment is rarely sought out and depression is rarely recognized till later stages in adulthood. Parents can help by being aware of the signs of depression and seeking professional help for their child. There are many different signs that a child is suffering from depression. Children can express depression …show more content…
Lately, I have been reflecting on my journey through the disease, because it was just a year ago that I finally felt full relief from my symptoms. My daughter, who is now 18 months old and brings me so much joy every day, was born premature due to a variety of health conditions that were affecting me. As a result, she stayed in the hospital and I was sent home empty-handed. This, along with the myriad of drugs I was on before she was born, is what I truly believe sparked my journey through depression. I felt hopeless, and I felt like I would never enjoy being a mommy. You can read more of my story in How I Was Treated for Postpartum Depression. What I want to focus on now is the "after" part of the story. For the women (and spouses) reading this article who are in the midst of postpartum depression right now, let me assure you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Last year, I decided to go back to work even though my husband and I always wanted me to stay home with our children. I did not think that I could handle staying home emotionally. Today, I am staying home with my daughter and loving every minute of it. Well, almost every minute. I am sure every stay at home mom has "those" days. The point is, I no longer feel that being home with my daughter is a trap. It is a joy to me now, whereas a year ago all I wanted was to go back to work. I have taken measures to make sure that I do not become too crazy staying home, …show more content…
Yes, you can get sad and lonely occasionally and refer to this as being depressed. But an ongoing state of being depressed is considered depression. Who does depression strike? Depression can strike anyone at anytime and it can strike for many different reasons. Recent studies have shown that about 16% of Americans suffer from depression. These people suffer enough that they have to seek some type of treatment whether it is therapy or therapy along with drug therapy. Most commonly people among the ages of 30 to 44 years are the greatest majority of depression sufferers. Women are at a higher risk at developing depression than men. These are also the prime parenting ages of most people. This makes some fearful at the thought of becoming parents. Yet, if they are willing to do what is necessary to treat their depression and recognize that this is an illness, they can still be wonderful parents. These are the first two steps in conquering or learning to control this disease. What other steps can a person take if they are suffering from depression? They need to recognize that they can be a good parent, even though they are suffering from this disease. They can continue to work to find the best treatment options for them. Each patient is different. What works for one patient may not work for another patient. They also should educate themselves on the disease and learn about the many different treatment options available. They need to be willing

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