This 30-year-old claimant is filing a DIB claim alleging disability due to blindness as of 10/01/2016.
The medical evidence shows the claimant has a history of decreased vision. Evidence from Lighthouse Louisiana on 11/12/13 shows the claimant had a best corrected vision of 20/200 in the right eye (OD) and was limited to counting fingers (CF) in the left eye (OS) with bilateral cecocentral scotoma with formal perimtery, bilateral optic neuropathy, decreased vision and cecocentral scotoma, and bilateral optic disc atrophy. The visual exam on 3/12/13 showed an …show more content…
REQUEST FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION: OQR has requested the FO to develop the last date that the claimant worked at the SGA level. No DDS action is necessary.
Please resolve a work issue. Claimant meets medical disability requirements for stat blind as early as 11/12/13. However, there is a work discrepancy. Please contact the claimant to resolve the discrepancy. The claimant indicated on the SSA 3368 she worked 50 hours per week. However, on the SSA 3369 she indicated she worked 21 hours per week. It is possible she was earning under the stat blind SGA limit.
Additionally she reports making changes to her work as of 11/12/13. There is no description of this change. It is possible that work after the AOD is subsidized.
When did the claimant stop working SGA? What is the earliest POD? Please obtain an 821/823 to document all work performed after 11/12/13. Please consider UWA and subsides if applicable. Upon completion of your development, add your findings and documentation to the blue section of the EF before closing the Assistance Request to