A short documentary on the Regina Indian Industrial School (RIIS) primarily focused …show more content…
This also included names of their parents and which Aboriginal tribe they belonged too. After a while, you could tell that not much thought was being put into these records and the ones recorded did not care to record all of the information possible. This showed a lack of thought and sympathy towards these children. However, what was most astounding was that from all the written records they found, there was never a mention of a cemetery. Essentially, life moved on and everything unmarked was just left there with no one to hold these people accountable.
The unmarked cemetery found on Pinkie Road was unknown to many aboriginal people. In a sense it provided solace to the parents who never saw their children return home and were given no information about. At least they now knew where these children were buried. However, it is heartbreaking to imagine that some parents never saw their children again once they were taken from …show more content…
The documentary RIIS from Amnesia was created to inform the public of this burial site, but especially to give some sort of comfort to the First Nation parents who never saw their kid’s returns home to them. To honor the children buried in the cemetery on Pinkie Road a Memorial Walk took place in October 2014. This was also another tool used to bring awareness to the community at large about Canada’s ugly past. As Dr. Daschuk perfectly says it in the documentary, “at least if we know about what happened, maybe we can move on together, because if people know, then it becomes