Love can make people do crazy things. And in some cases people don’t know how to handle rejection physically or mentally. Its Affects them to a point where they can’t handle their thoughts and have to act out in aggressive ways. However many blame these deaths on Domestic violence or simply as an accident. In the story A Rose for Emily she kills her significant other Homer Barron and due to this a question rises, is Emily a villain or victim. With all the evidence and details such as her father and family, the towns people, and her love life these factors lead up to the discovery of homers death it shows that Emily is a victim Emily comes from a strict household where she could never find a successful lover due to her father being over protective. In the story we are introduced to Homer Barron one of Emily‘s potential husbands. All the towns people all assumed she would marry him but later said that he could be persuaded. This newly found love created a lot of gossip from the Towns people that judged Emily very harshly. According to A Rose for Emily, “Later we said, poor Emily behind the jealousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon and the glittering buggy Miss Emily with her head high and homework with his …show more content…
There is a case that takes place in Welsh where a Wife is believed to have murdered her Husband and wrapped his body in plastic sheets and kept it a secret for 18 years. This case and the story a rose for Emily are connected to the fact that they bother murdered their love ones and successfully kept the body a secret for years. In a Rose for Emily Homer was last seen by Emily and never seen again until they discovered his body in the house. In this case former firefighter John Sabine was last seen in 1997with his wife and 18 years later they found his body was found in the garden of Leigh Ann