Charles Lindbergh Case Summary

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LINDBERGH BABY CASE In 1927 Charles Lindbergh, an unknown pilot, succeeded in making the first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He was only 25 years old but that flight made him an instant idol and he received many honors for it. Several years later he settled down, married his wife Anne Morrow and moved into a home near Hopewell, New Jersey. On June 22, 1930 they welcomed a son, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. ("Charles Lindbergh Biography," 2014). They were America’s favorite family. Almost exactly two years later, on the night of March 1, 1932, tragedy struck their world. Their son, Charles Jr., was reported missing to the police. The New Jersey State Police answered to the call. There was very little physical evidence in the nursery to determine what happened. They did however find a ransom note asking for $50,000. The note said they would be contacted in a few days instructing them on where to deliver the money and saying not to involve the police. Almost a week later, on March 6th, another ransom note was received, and it said the kidnappers now wanted $70,000. …show more content…
On October 8, 1934 he was indicted for murder. Finally, on October 19, 1934, he was moved to the Hunterdon County Jail in New Jersey, to await trial. (FBI, n.d.) The trial began on January 3, 1935, at Flemington, New Jersey. The case was based on circumstantial evidence. Among the evidence, already discovered in the investigation, was the ladder that was used to climb the wall to get into the babies room. It was made of wood, and that same wood was also found in Hauptmann’s attic. Dr. Cohon’s address and phone number was scratched into a closet door frame in Hauptmann’s house. On February 13, 1935, the jury had made their decision. Hauptmann was found guilty of murder in the first degree. He was sentenced to death, and on April 3, 1936, at 8:47 p.m., Bruno Richard Hauptmann was electrocuted. (FBI,

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