This led us to feeling awkward but we had already paid for our tickets and didn’t want to waste money by leaving. Since we were getting weird looks for holding hands we eventually separated to try and draw some of the attention away from us. We also stayed pretty quiet due to the fact we heard a girl mocking what she thought was a ‘white girl voice’. During the movie we sat in the back to try and not be noticed so if Emily put her around me or something of that nature, we wouldn’t get weird looks and mean …show more content…
I want the minority to feel comfortable around his/her peers and me. I will make sure this happens by asking about the students cultural, being interested about it, and gaining my own background knowledge and sharing this information with the other students so they can better understand. I will also work hard to include all types of cultural into the lessons, for example, I will include lessons on holidays like Easter, Christmas, and Halloween but I will be sure to also include holidays like Hanukkah, Eidil Fitri (a Muslim holiday), Waicak (a Buddhist holiday) or whatever holidays will be relevant to the minorities