By Brenty boo times thomes (AKA: Beary Brent)
It was Halloween night for Peter Lightning. He was going trick or treating with his friends, Donny and Sylvester. Peter was going to be a Pumpkin head from his favorite movie, " Night in The Cornfield". Peter was ready too early because his friends were not there yet. He took a couple "Butterfingers" from his moms candy bowl and sat down on the couch. 2 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Peter went to go open it for the trick or treaters. When he opened the door there stood a very tall boy riding on a fake horse with his head under his shirt collar so you could only see the top of his head. Peter gave the "headless horse man" a couple Butterfingers. Peter expected a "thank you" but the kid just angrily grumbled. Peter thought he wanted something else so he asked " Are you allergic to peanut butter?"
Then the kid looked at him and exclaimed, "no I just think you can do better!"
"What do you mean?"
"All of my neighbors give me at least a jumbo sized M&M bag."
"Doesn't your parents care about you getting any cavities"
"Tsk! I have braces I can't get cavities"
The kid popped his head from inside the shirt and Peter discovered that he was just a 6 year old even though he has braces. Peter didn't know that you couldn't get cavities with braces on, it …show more content…
43 minutes later (not estimated) Peter heard a knock on the door so he went to answer it. You could probably guess who it was...yup the headless kid again but this time he was wearing a Grimm reaper costume "may I please have some REAL candy now?!" Scowled the kid "sure!" Answered Peter he grabbed the King sized milk duds from the table and gave it to him. The kid was confused that he actually gave him candy and also sort of aggravated that he couldn't egg his house. The kid walked off and when he got home he opened the package of milk duds and found 35