Coping In Nursing Research Paper

Improved Essays
Nightingale College of Nursing

TITLE: Coping in Nursing School

Nursing 240: Concepts of Nursing in Chronic Illness I
Mrs. Cunningham
Andrew Pfaff

Stress is currently becoming part of life since almost all people experience it regardless of age, gender, occupation and even social class during a point in life. Its causes are many and some include work pressure, relationship, poor health, past events, financial crisis and even academic pressures among others. In my case various situations such as academic demands, workplace demands among others normally puts me in stressed conditions. Since stress is inevitable in life, identifying it and coming up with effective coping ways is critical. According to cognitive-transactional model, coping with stress has been described to be a repeated cognitive and behavioral effort geared towards dealing with external and internal demands, which are judged to be overwhelming (Agata Orzechowska, 2013).The process of coping stress differ from individual to individual depending a person’s behavior as well the root cause of stress .Identifying and accepting that one is stressed up is the first step in coping up with it for every person. Coping strategies In my case I have adopted various means of coping up and the following are that which I have been using whenever I am stressed. First is deep breathing strategy being one which has worked a great deal in my case whenever I am stressed since it is instant and I can do it anywhere. Deep breathing aids in stimulating the body’s relaxation response which is a state of restfulness (Lawrence Robinson, 2017). This is opposite to the fight and flight mode that stress bring to the body and will eventually result in calmness. This helps me when I am trying to do something and it's going the way I intend for example while I am doing my assignments and I am not getting what I am looking for I end up feeling overwhelmed and when I take a deep breath I feel relaxed and ready to continue. The second strategy that I usually use exercise whereby I take some time in the gym after work. It has been found out that exercising which could include going for a walk (Lawrence Robinson, 2017), running and playing other games help in releasing endorphins that make one feel good. In addition to making one feel good exercise assist by serving as a distraction from one’s daily worries. For me I make it a routine to take thirty minutes to one hour in the gym after work which normally helps me to break after work and begin working on my school assignments. Also, picking up extra shifts at the hospital is a strategy that I use whenever I am stressed up. Serving patients for example providing routine medical checks such as monitoring the blood pressure and temperature of patients in the ward while chatting with the patients is my favorite and makes me have a connection with others. It has been found out that connecting with others for instance by having face-to-face interaction triggers a release of hormones which counteracts the body’s defensive “fight-or-flight” response thus relaxes the body and stave anxiety (Lawrence Robinson, 2017),. Also engaging in activities that one enjoys have been found to help much in coping with stress. In addition to the above strategies eating health diets composed of wholesome food, fruits and vegetables
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Depression is an eventuality of unmanaged stress as well as other health disorders. The above strategies that I have been using and the others that I ought to have been using can thus help much in coping with stress. It’s also important to realize that different people have different coping strategies that will work for them thus one must not copy a friend's’ way of managing stress since it may not work for them.

Agata Orzechowska, M. Z. (2013, November 25). Depression and ways of coping with stress: A preliminary study. Rockville pike.: National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved October 17, 2017, from
Jeanne Segal, M. S. (2017, June). Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes. Retrieved from
Lawrence Robinson, M. S. (2017, June). Stress Management. Retrieved from

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