Comparing 'The Last Rung On The Ladder'

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Comparing “The Last Rung on the Ladder” to “You Found Me” At the beginning of the story “The Last Rung on the Ladder” by Stephen King, the narrator exposes the reader to background information. The story mainly focuses on “the barn accident”. At the time, Katrina, also know as Kitty by close friends and family, was eight years old and her older brother, Larry, also the narrator was ten. When their parents would leave, they would go out into the barn and climb to the third story of the hay loft. Larry and Kitty tried to hide this from their parents for as long as possible because when they found out the kids would be so much trouble. Then, they would jump seventy feet down into soft hay. They would climb back to the top and do it hours on end without getting bored. Then, Larry said, “Our mom and dad …show more content…
One section of the song that is very similar to the story is the lyrics, “For years and years and years and years and you never left me no messages you never send me no letters.” This is very similar to the when Kitty needed help because she was lost and insecure. Kitty would send letters asking her older brother to come see her, but he kept telling her he didn’t have time. We can also relate this to the song because the song says “Lost and insecure. You found me, you found me, lying on the floor. Where were you? Where were you?” This relates to “The Last Rung on the Ladder” when Kitty jumped off the top of an insurance building. She was lost and felt insecure as the song lyrics would put it. When the song said lying on the floor, we could compare this to Kitty after she had jumped off the insurance building and was laying on the concrete and she was wondering where her big brother was when she really needed him. Kitty wrote letters to Larry and he said he never had time to come see her, but Larry didn’t realize that her younger sister was lost and

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