In chapter 5 Old Yeller makes his first act of bravery. When Little Arliss’ loud scream bellowed all the way to the cabin because he could get a grip on on a baby bear. Yeller was the only one fast enough to save him from the she bear charging at Little Arliss because he was holding on to the baby bear's hind leg like he was holding on for his life. Yeller dashed through the woods so heroic ready to save Little Arliss, he was so fast that he knocked the she bear to the ground. She was ready to get up and fight Old Yeller that gave Travis enough time to grave Little Arliss and run back to the cabin. Every one ran back to the cabin, and once they were safe inside Old Yeller came trotting …show more content…
When the coats family found out that hydrophobia was going around the village they had already shot and burned a bull, and was in the process of burning their best milking cow. So when they came that Travis heard Mama yell “Son get your gun.” When Travis ran outside with his gun, he found Old Yeller fighting off a mad wolf. He was fighting the wolf so that Mama and Lisbeth would have time to get away just like he’d done for Arliss and Travis. Mama was yelling for Travis to shoot the wolf, but he couldn't he didn’t want to take a chance and shoot Old Yeller. That’s when the wolf got Old Yeller on the ground and started to bite his neck. Travis had to shoot the wolf while he could, he pulled the trigger and then everything got quiet. He’d shot the best dog there ever was Travis thought, then Old Yeller got up and moved away from the dead wolf on top of him. he ran over to Travis and Mama ready to give them some kisses. He was a true hero that day, the day that he fought off the mad