“What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?” (Golding 91). This quote is used in Lord of the Flies, at a meeting about the beast. The quote brings to light the real intention of the book, which is showing how easy it is under pressure to fall into savage like behavior. Golding shows this very well in the Lord of the Flies. Fear converts the boys into cold-hearted savages. In the middle of a war, a plane full of young boys crashes on an unknown island leaving them alone with no adults. The boys try to fend for themselves by making their own society. As time goes on, the young boys begin to adapt to their surroundings by becoming savages. The book continues putting this group of young boys through terrible situations that …show more content…
This is first shown when the boys take the mock hunt a little to far. Ralph and Piggy have just come to Jack’s camp in order to talk sense into the boys. When they get there they are welcomed with food, though the young boys are met with pleasantries, Jack has an ulterior motive for the boys being there. Initially, Jack is polite in the way he confronts Ralph’s tribe by asking who will join his tribe. When Ralph undermines Jack’s ability to lead the situation takes a turn for the worst. To assert his dominance Jack calls for the hunters to do their pre-hunt dance. During this dance, Symone comes out of the forest in a beastly manner after discovering what was really on the hill. The boys react in a savage manner, “At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt onto the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words and no movements but the tearing of the teeth and claws” (Golding 153). By using the terms “screamed, struck, bit, tore,” Golding is showing just how hungry for murder these boys are. The boys are having trouble differing reality from fantasy. For instance, when the author uses the repetition of Simon being called the “beast”, in this passage and ones before it. He is showing just how delusional and confused these young boys are. The author also makes the boys as a group seem more animalistic with the phrase “tearing of the teeth and claws,” there are no human movements such as hitting or biting just simple characteristics of a wild