Compare And Contrast Between Grant And Lee

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During the Civil War, the famous generals, Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee, paved the way for new American ideals. Bruce Catton analyzes the contrast between the beliefs and strategies of Grant and Lee, while comparing their similar personalities in his essay, “Grant and Lee: A study in Contrast.” These two powerful generals, different yet similar, reflect the strength of opposing views which had come to a final collision. Catton creates a serious tone, while also developing symbolism and allusion to effectively compare and contrast the two major generals during the Civil War. These two powerful generals, different yet similar, reflect the strength of the opposing sides of America which had made a final collision.
Catton creates a serious
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When describing Lee, Catton states, “The Confederacy fought for Lee; as if he himself was the Confederacy…(p2).” Catton uses Lee to symbolize the entire Confederate Army and the values of the Confederacy, which included the moral integrity of slavery and their right to own slaves. In contrast, Grant is described as fighting for, “The broader concept of society (p7).” Catton states, “What he lived by would survive or fall with the nation itself (p7).” General Grant is used to represent the values of the northern United States during the Civil War. They fought for the future of American Society and to reunite the Union to save the United States from crumbling from the inside. By using the two men to symbolize the contrasting sides, Catton effectively reveals the contrasting values that lead to the commencement of the Civil War. While both men symbolizing differing values, Catton is able to use symbolism to also compare the two generals. Near the end of the essay, Catton claims, “Two great Americans… yet under everything very much alike (p12).” He relates the two men by claiming that they are both “great Americans” that both represent the “great virtue of utter tenacity (p10).” Both these men were strong leaders who fought hard for what they believed in and represented the true american values of hard work and freedom. Catton uses the men, …show more content…
These values are inscribed into the beliefs of the Confederacy and sharply contrast the changing values of Grant and the Union. Grant represents the future of America as he is fighting to end the beliefs of the privileges of that Lee symbolizes. In the “Western country, there was a deep, implicit dissatisfaction with a past that had settled into grooves.”(8) and General Grant fought to remove the dissatisfactory foundation that America originated from, alluding to the fact that Grant represents the new foundation of America in which he was fighting to create. General Grant and General Lee have contrasting ideas to fight for as, Grant is fighting for the future and Lee is fighting to preserve the past. Grant “was one of a body of men” (7) which is alluding to biblical references. Grant is portrayed as the God of the new America, the all mighty power that will provide a new path without the sins of Americans history. Although different beliefs, Lee and Grant were great leaders in which they both became figures of each beliefs for the soldiers that looked up to them. They related to each other through their strong personalities that formed them into the God like leaders of the civil

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