For Cause And Comrades Analysis

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From reading For Cause and Comrades, I learned about several motivations and reasons that soldiers from the North and the South fought in the Civil War. Overall, the soldiers and their respective sides fought for very similar reasons and motives. Both sides were fighting for their views on slavery, how the states should govern laws, and how the economy should operate. I plan to analyze and compare the motives for the North and the South and show how each side was fighting for remarkably similar reasons. Through the reasons and motives listed above, we will be able to see the similarities but, also we will be able to see how each side was different as well. One of the central reasons that the Civil War began was because of the different views on slavery in the United States. During this time, slavery was legal and was a vital part of the southern life. On the other side, in the North, slavery was not as important and slaves had more freedom and were treated more like humans than in the South. Northerners believed that slavery was unconstitutional and called for the abolition of slavery. Page 117 in For Cause and Comrades (McPherson, 1997) talks about how rare it was in the North that soldiers would claim they were fighting for equality among African Americans. However, there were two soldiers that stated “I have no heart in this war, if slaves can not go free”. This statement demonstrates how there were Northerners that wanted slavery to end and were willing to fight and lose their life for African Americans. From previous History classes and from the book, I have learned that many Unionist citizens wanted slavery to come to an end, and Abraham Lincoln helped to begin this notion. Because a powerful figure stood up for the rights of several races who were enslaved, this lead the way for others to join the cause and allowed to stand against the unconstitutional beliefs of the South. For the South, slavery was a crucial key in keeping and sustaining plantations and farms during this time period. For the North to want an end to slavery would cause the South to lose labor, production, and most importantly money. A quote from page 20 states “any life liberty and property [slaves] are at stake and therefore any man in the South would rather die battling for civil and political liberty” (McPherson, 1997). This is a strong statement that shoes the South’s attitude and true motivation for fighting in the war. Many of the southerners could not afford for slavery to end and would die for slavery to continue on. Although each side had a different view on slavery, both the North and the South were fighting for their respective beliefs about slavery and each side sent men into war for those reasons and beliefs. The North and South had very different opinions about how the government should operate. The North favored a government that gave less power to the states of the United States, where as the South wanted a government with more power in the states and a weaker central government. On page 487 of American Horizons, we see that the North had posed constitutional changes that called for a change in the way that slavery …show more content…
Many soldiers wanted to prove their manhood and support for their respective sides. The book mentions several quotes from soldiers that show that they had to fight to prove their manhood to their family and others around them. This reason really stood out to me because most of the time we hear about soldiers who decide to fight in wars because of their stance on the issues at hand, but we never really hear about soldiers fighting because of their manhood. In For Cause and Comrades, a letter from a soldier describes the reasons that men faced bullets and it states “Simple manhood, force of discipline, pride, love” (McPherson, 1997). Manhood was a key personality trait during this time, and those who chose not to were looked down upon by others. Many soldiers, North and the South, joined the war to defend their family names as

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