Americans In The Gilded Age Analysis

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New Spirits: Americans in the “Gilded Age”, 1865-1905 written by Rebecca Edwards explores and brings new light into one of the most significant eras in the history of the United States. The central point of New Spirits is to provide readers with a new outlook on what made the “Gilded Age” gilded and dismisses stereotypes that readers may have previously established about the era. Edward’s explores how the United States became a modern industrial nation after the harrowing aftermath of the Civil War. Edward’s also examines the multicultural aspects of the “Gilded Age” and how immigration was booming during the era. The time also brought older ideas back to light such as, sex and marriage, education, leisure, consumption, and even duty, honor, and the nature of truth itself. Rebecca Edward’s novel is important because it provides new insight through individual’s stories, accounts, and experiences to teach readers about the “Gilded Age.” New Spirits: Americans in the “Gilded Age”, 1865-1905 enlightens readers about how the decisions that people made during the “Gilded Age” and the consequences of dreams they did not take, affect people today. The United States was drastically influenced by the legacies of the Civil War. Edward’s focuses on the consequences that the South lost faced from losing the war. The South faced a substantial loss by …show more content…
Older ideas were brought to light that socially and culturally have shaped the nation. The United States is a multicultural nation and enriched in a vast variety of cultures because of the Gilded Age. Edward’s claims that people who lived during the “Gilded Age” helped shaped and form the United States in numerous

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